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Title: Обучение полному письменному переводу технических текстов
Authors: Зубрицкая, Людмила
Keywords: written translation
technical text
technical translation
technical terms
translation skills
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: Аграр Медіа Груп
Citation: Зубрицкая Л. Обучение полному письменному переводу технических текстов Фаховий та художній переклад: теорія, методологія, практика: збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред. А.Г. Гудманяна, С.І. Сидоренка. – К.: Аграр Медіа Груп, 2019. – 404 с.
Abstract: The article analyzes the features of teaching the written translation of technical texts in the process of teaching a foreign language at the engineering faculty. The subject of the research is the methods of teaching the full written translation of technical texts. The article also discusses the types of exercises for teaching translation and identifies the ways to achieve translation equivalence in the translation of technical texts into Russian.
Description: The article analyzes the features of teaching the written translation of technical texts in the process of teaching a foreign language at the engineering faculty. The subject of the research is the methods of teaching the full written translation of technical texts. The article also discusses the types of exercises for teaching translation and identifies the ways to achieve translation equivalence in the translation of technical texts into Russian.
ISBN: 978-617-646-453-2
Appears in Collections:Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Фаховий та художній переклад теорія, методологія, практика» 2019

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